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Sunday, July 1, 2007

Tammy Lynn Michaels Blasts Larry King for 'Bumping' Michael Moore for Paris Hilton

Melissa Etheridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels

HOLLYWOOD - Actress Tammy Lynn Michaels has blasted CNN newsman Larry King for 'bumping' documentary maker Michael Moore in favor of a chat with Paris Hilton.

The respected talk-show titan admits he took seconds to agree to landing the scoop interview with the socialite--rescheduling his chat with director Moore, which upset fan Michaels, the lesbian lover of rocker Melissa Etheridge.

In an open letter to King, posted on her Web site hours before the newsman sat down with Hilton, the 'L' Word star first praised the talk-show host: "There are not many people who are blessed to have a position such as the one in which you find yourself today.

"I used to find your questions imaginative, original, and somewhat interesting and clever... Your show used to have movers and shakers on it. Your show was once significant to the American society, as your show was not only entertaining, but educational and provokative [sic] as well. What a legacy you had going."

But then she turned on him, asking, "Is it true you bumped Michael Moore from your show to interview a celebrity famous for her porn and drunk driving? Really?

"Larry, I am sure you are hitting yourself. I know, I can't imagine if I had to be you and sit there across from some poptart... I can't imagine what you will have to tell yourself as you prep for that interview in the make-up chair."

The angry actress ends her missive wishing King a "good interview," adding, "I'm off to see (Moore's film) Sicko, and try to see about changing this world, not my ratings."


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