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Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Look At Rosie's 'Interesting' Year At 'The View'

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NEW YORK (April 25, 2007) -- Rosie mosey's out. The ratings wrangler will finish up with "The View" at the end of June.

"They offered me a three year deal and I wanted a one year deal," Rosie said this morning on the show.

We logged on to Rosie's video blog after the show today and apparently she almost got Star's old dressing room.

Rosie Leaving 'The View'

"I was gonna move dressing rooms cause of my allergies, but it's all right," she previously said.

Barbara found out about Rosie's departure last Thursday.

"We have had, to say the least, an interesting year," she said.

The extra 600,000 viewers Rosie brought in could always count on controversy. Like a good head to head with controversy like a good head to head with conservative co-host Elisabeth.

"You are very young and you are very wrong," Rosie once said to Elisabeth.

"We've had such good conversation, and you are such, I can't say it enough, you are such a catalyst," Elisabeth told Rosie.

When Access Hollywood's Shaun Robinson co-hosted, Rosie obviously knew the ratings game.

"I can disagree with you?," Shaun asked.

"Oh my God, yes! It makes a better show," Rosie replied.

Just two days ago as MC of the Matrix Awards, Rosie's candor made Barbara Walters cower.

"For women in communication we should fix the f-ing audio system," she joked as Barbara covered her face.

"Look at Barbara looking down," Rosie then said. "She's looking down!"

"Rosie's view is not always my view," Barbara said. "I spend most of my time when she's moderating with my head in my hands."

The decision not to renew her "View" contract was a family one. Rosie today talked about fans coming up to her while at the mall with her daughter.

"After like the 6th or 7th person at the mall, Vivvy goes ‘why are these people talkin' to you?' I said honey cause that job I go to in the morning. She goes, ‘you gotta get rid of that thing.'"

Even last year coming into the job, Rosie told Access her priority will always be her family.

"We had a family meeting, me and Kelli and the kids and I said I'm going to go back on TV and they didn't get it because they don't remember the show. Parker sort of remembers it.And they said as long as you are going to pick us up from school every day," Rosie recounted.

And she still does that.

Following that decision, the sixsome planned on holding a vote in January to discuss "The View's" effect on them.

Photo: Rosie and Kelly (AP)

"How have they liked it so far?," Nancy O'Dell asked.

"Well I missed two days of pick up which for Blake was horrifying," Rosie admitted. "He was like (imitating child) you said it wouldn't be different and it's totally different."

Tim Vincent was with the gang for Rosie's debut, as partner Kelli watched from the audience.

"I'm staying," Rosie said at the time, but for how long? "Who cares," she replied. "As long as they want me. It's day one, you know all I've got to do is get home to pick them up by three o'clock and I think I can handle that."

Family and contract negotiations aside are there any other reasons for her departure? The producers of her old talk show have made it clear they want her back, though they tell us today that there is no deal yet. And who wouldn't want more of this?

"I'll throw in an extra 20 if we can do it on the rug," Rosie's character said to Julian McMahon's sexy doctor on FX's "Nip/Tuck." The network also denies a done deal, but we're betting on more scenes just like the one where she and McMahon's character got limber on the carpet.

Photo: Rosie's "Nip/Tuck" co-star Julian (AP)

If Rosie's blog is any indication, maybe we'll see her on late night.

"It's not sad because I've loved it here," she wrote. "I love you guys and I'm not going away. I'm just not going to be here everyday."

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